
random montevideo notes - on knowing a country

You can never really know a country.
You can get to know more of it and more it, but you’ll never really know it.
Just those bits of it it allows you to see.
(This has political connotations).


random montevideo notes - pinter/ betrayal

Ok, so the play works backwards. It’s radical but it’s not as though it’s never been heard of.

However… who else actually ends their play not at the beginning (nor at the end)… but at the end of the second scene?


random montevideo notes - the things that are keeping me sane

Harold Pinter.





random montevideo notes - santa rosa

The week before the end of Winter, it returns with a vengeance.
Santa Rosa is the last hurrah of the wet, the cold, the dank, the grey, the dull, the turgid, the hopeless, the desperate Montevideo.
The one people long to leave behind, knowing that Summer will bring something else.
Those who've got through Winter without flu will fall at the Santa Rosa hurdle.


When the sun flirts with the clouds at the week's end, winking like a naughty teenager, it's met with not so much joy as swathes of relief.
There is life after Santa Rosa.
You'd forgotten but it's coming back.


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