
the blue society

A depressed person can help no-one save themselves.


Making depression and selfishness unhappy bedfellows.


Depression represents the asocial apex of a society.


Capitalism feeds off dissatisfaction.


If you have everything you need you won't need to purchase anything else.


The greater your dissatisfaction the closer you come to depression.


The mechanics of capitalism thrive on an underlying drift to depression.



vices and virtues

Vanity and self-criticism are two peas from the same pod.


People love their faults just as much as their virtues.


People would readily jettison their virtues if needs be, whilst defending their faults to the hilt.


A fault may be described as a weakness, when it is actually treasured by the bearer as a badge of honour.


You know where are you are with a fault. Virtues are more perpelexing.



shannon airport

Rich US golfers express concerns
At being overcharged. Their golf
Bags are large enough to hide a
Body. In the departure terminal
Young men and women, white, black or
Latino amble, chat, sup a last
Guiness. Wearing desert boots and
Khaki fatigues. Without a hint of
Aggression, bearing fluffy toys in
Plastic bags. The golfers don't mix with
The unassuming soldiers whose quiet
Eyes protest they wouldn't harm a fly.



If one plans on asking for a favour, one should ask graciously, without fear of denial.


Otherwise the request runs the risk of coming across as an instruction, or an order.


One should never give orders to those from whom one might require a favour. Whatever is gained in the short term will be lost in the long.


standards of living

Our society, no matter how rich in comfort, is little more than a pauper in time.


our pledge to you

If you want your life to be a self-fulfilling prophesy -
That can easily be arranged.


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