
with regard to the various ages of wo/man

As people age they are inclined to sublimate their disappointments, channeling them into their attitude towards the world. The price they have paid for that which has not been realised is compensated for by moments of capriciousness or pettiness. As though seeking to rediscover the privileges of childhood, before the disappointments of adulthood tarnished childhood's dreams of a promised heaven on earth.


We are all subject to these whims. The degree to which we allow ourselves to indulge them demarcates the line between our desire to continue becoming an adult, or our inclination to remain a child.


the whole of the moon

You have to love someone for their flaws (in your perception) as much as their values (in your perception).

Otherwise your love is partial, discriminatory and vulnerable.


define your terms

You can't write about corruption in a corrupt society, because it doesn't want to know.


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